Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1211.5934 (N. R. Hayre et al.)

Thermodynamic properties of the Yb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore as a function of
temperature and magnetic field: validation of a quantum spin ice exchange

N. R. Hayre, K. A. Ross, R. Applegate, T. Lin, R. R. P. Singh B. D. Gaulin, M. J. P. Gingras
The thermodynamic properties of the pyrochlore Yb2Ti2O7 material are calculated using the numericallinked-cluster (NLC) calculation method for an effective anisotropic-exchange spin-1/2 Hamiltonian with parameters recently determined by fitting the neutron scattering spin wave data obtained at high magnetic field h. Magnetization, M(T,h), as a function of temperature T and for different magnetic fields h applied along the three high symmetry directions [100], [110] and [111], are compared with experimental measurements on the material for temperature T>1.8K. The excellent agreement between experimentally measured and calculated M(T,h) over the entire temperature and magnetic field range considered provides strong quantitative validation of the effective Hamiltonian. It also confirms that fitting the high-field neutron spin wave spectra in the polarized paramagnetic state is an excellent method for determining the microscopic exchange constants of rare-earth insulating magnets that are described by an effective spin-1/2 Hamiltonian. Finally, we present results which demonstrate that a recent analysis of the polarized neutron scattering intensity of Yb2Ti2O7 using a random phase approximation (RPA) method [Chang et al., Nature Communications {3}, 992 (2012)] does not provide a good description of M(T,h) for $T\lesssim 10$ K, that is in the entire temperature regime where correlations become non-negligible.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.5934

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