Wednesday, October 31, 2012
1210.7838 (Ping V. Lin et al.)
Conductance noise in an out-of-equilibrium two-dimensional electron
system [PDF]
Ping V. Lin, Xiaoyan Shi, J. Jaroszynski, Dragana Popović
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
1210.7304 (Silvio Franz et al.)
Static replica approach to critical correlations in glassy systems [PDF]
Silvio Franz, Hugo Jacquin, Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi1210.7462 (Mintu Mondal et al.)
Frequency dependent superfluid stiffness in the pseudogap regime in
strongly disordered NbN thin films [PDF]
Mintu Mondal, Anand Kamlapure, Somesh Chandra Ganguli, John Jesudasan, Vivas Bagwe, Lara Benfatto, Pratap Raychaudhuri
1210.7498 (Kun Zhao et al.)
Percolation on interacting, antagonistic networks [PDF]
Kun Zhao, Ginestra Bianconi1210.7601 (K. Takase et al.)
Impact of graphene quantum capacitance on transport spectroscopy [PDF]
K. Takase, S. Tanabe, S. Sasaki, H. Hibino, K. MurakiMonday, October 29, 2012
1208.2779 (Agnieszka Werpachowska et al.)
Comment on "Excitons in Molecular Aggregates with Levy Disorder:
Anomalous Localization and Exchange Broadening of Optical Spectra" [PDF]
Agnieszka Werpachowska, Alexandra Olaya-Castro
Friday, October 26, 2012
1111.5191 (Elena Agliari et al.)
Multitasking associative networks [PDF]
Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Francesco Guerra, Francesco Moauro1111.5792 (Luís F. Seoane et al.)
Successful attack on permutation-parity-machine-based neural
cryptography [PDF]
Luís F. Seoane, Andreas Ruttor
1210.6726 (I. A. Gruzberg et al.)
Classification and symmetry properties of scaling dimensions at Anderson
transitions [PDF]
I. A. Gruzberg, A. D. Mirlin, M. R. Zirnbauer
Thursday, October 25, 2012
1109.3071 (Jean-Guy Caputo et al.)
Oscillations of simple networks [PDF]
Jean-Guy Caputo, Arnaud Knippel, Elie Simo1210.6393 (Dongwei Xu et al.)
Disorder induced field effect transistor in bilayer and trilayer
graphene [PDF]
Dongwei Xu, Haiwen Liu, Vincent Sacksteder IV, Juntao Song, Hua Jiang, Qing-feng Sun, X. C. Xie
1210.6530 (R. Pirc et al.)
Compressible spherical dipolar glass model of relaxor ferroelectrics [PDF]
R. Pirc, Z. Kutnjak, N. Novak1210.6609 (Robert M. Ziff et al.)
The critical manifolds of inhomogeneous bond percolation on bow-tie and
checkerboard lattices [PDF]
Robert M. Ziff, Christian R. Scullard, John C. Wierman, Matthew R. A. Sedlock
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
1210.6073 (Patrick Charbonneau et al.)
Stokes-Einstein relation violation and the upper critical dimension of
the glass transition [PDF]
Patrick Charbonneau, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi
1210.6081 (P. S. Alekseev et al.)
Strong magnetoresistance of disordered graphene [PDF]
P. S. Alekseev, A. P. Dmitriev, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii1210.6230 (Guillermo A. Ludueña et al.)
A Self-Organized Neural Comparator [PDF]
Guillermo A. Ludueña, Claudius Gros1210.6238 (V. D. Borman et al.)
Stability of a Nonwetting Liquid in a Nanoporous Medium [PDF]
V. D. Borman, A. A. Belogorlov, V. A. Byrkin, V. N. Tronin, V. I. Troyan1210.6290 (Burcu Yucesoy et al.)
Correlations between the dynamics of parallel tempering and the
free-energy landscape in spin glasses [PDF]
Burcu Yucesoy, Jonathan Machta, Helmut G. Katzgraber
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
1210.5919 (R. Vasseur et al.)
Phase Diagram of Ferroelastic Systems in the Presence of Disorder:
Analytical Model and Experimental Verification [PDF]
R. Vasseur, D. Xue, Y. Zhou, W. Ettoumi, X. Ding, X. Ren, T. Lookman
Monday, October 22, 2012
1210.5338 (Cyril Furtlehner et al.)
Pairwise MRF Calibration by Perturbation of the Bethe Reference Point [PDF]
Cyril Furtlehner, Yufei Han, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Victorin MartinSunday, October 21, 2012
0408190 (Haixia Jia et al.)
From spin glasses to hard satisfiable formulas [PDF]
Haixia Jia, Cristopher Moore, Bart Selman0910.2535 (Yuki Matsuoka et al.)
Acoustic wave propagation through a supercooled liquid: A normal mode
analysis [PDF]
Yuki Matsuoka, Hideyuki Mizuno, Ryoichi Yamamoto
Friday, October 19, 2012
1210.5082 (Gilles Wainrib et al.)
Topological and Dynamical Complexity of Random Neural Networks [PDF]
Gilles Wainrib, Jonathan Touboul1210.5159 (Indubala I Satija et al.)
Chern and Majorana Modes of Quasicrystals [PDF]
Indubala I Satija, Gerardo G. NaumisThursday, October 18, 2012
1210.4590 (V. Grinenko et al.)
Disordered magnetism in superconducting KFe2As2 single crystals [PDF]
V. Grinenko, S. -L. Drechsler, M. Abdel-Hafiez, S. Aswartham, A. U. B. Wolter, S. Wurmehl, C. Hess, K. Nenkov, G. Fuchs, D. Efremov, Bernd Holzapfel, Jeroen van den Brink, Bernd Buechner1210.4621 (Hitesh J. Changlani et al.)
Emergent spin excitations in a Bethe lattice at percolation [PDF]
Hitesh J. Changlani, Shivam Ghosh, Sumiran Pujari, Christopher L. Henley1210.4656 (Koji Kobayashi et al.)
Disordered weak and strong topological insulators [PDF]
Koji Kobayashi, Tomi Ohtsuki, Ken-Ichiro Imura1210.4671 (István A. Kovács et al.)
Corner contribution to percolation cluster numbers [PDF]
István A. Kovács, Ferenc Iglói, John CardyWednesday, October 17, 2012
1210.4267 (Biplab Pal et al.)
Complete absence of localization in a family of disordered lattices [PDF]
Biplab Pal, Santanu K. Maiti, Arunava Chakrabarti1210.4429 (Peter Sollich et al.)
Spin glass polynomial identities from entropic constraints [PDF]
Peter Sollich, Adriano Barra1210.4483 (Karina E. Avila et al.)
Fluctuations in the Time Variable and Dynamical Heterogeneity in
Glass-Forming Systems [PDF]
Karina E. Avila, Horacio E. Castillo, Azita Parsaeian
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
1210.3726 (Anirban Gangopadhyay et al.)
Magnetoresistance of an Anderson insulator of bosons [PDF]
Anirban Gangopadhyay, Victor Galitski, Markus Mueller1210.3796 (Juan Carlos Andresen et al.)
Self-organized criticality in glassy spin systems requires long-range
interactions [PDF]
Juan Carlos Andresen, Ruben S. Andrist, Helmut G. Katzgraber, V. Dobrosavljevic, Gergely T. Zimanyi
1210.3817 (M. Köhler et al.)
Ions in glass forming glycerol: Close correlation of alpha and fast beta
relaxation [PDF]
M. Köhler, P. Lunkenheimer, Y. Goncharov, A. Loidl
1210.3914 (X. P. Qin et al.)
Depinning phase transition in two-dimensional clock model with quenched
randomness [PDF]
X. P. Qin, B. Zheng, N. J. Zhou
1210.3995 (P. H. Lundow et al.)
The Ising Spin Glass in dimension five: link overlaps [PDF]
P. H. Lundow, I. A. Campbell1210.4116 (Ivane Jorjadze et al.)
A microscopic approach to the nonlinear elasticity of compressed
emulsions [PDF]
Ivane Jorjadze, Lea-Laetitia Pontani, Jasna Brujic
1210.4152 (H. Terletska et al.)
Dual Fermion Method for Disordered Electronic Systems [PDF]
H. Terletska, S. -X. Yang, Z. Y. Meng, J. Moreno, M. JarrellMonday, October 15, 2012
1107.0587 (Dimitrije Markovic et al.)
Criticality in conserved dynamical systems: Experimental observation vs.
exact properties [PDF]
Dimitrije Markovic, Andre Schuelein, Claudius Gros
1210.3443 (R. C. Roundy et al.)
Organic magnetoresistance near saturation: mesoscopic effects in small
devices [PDF]
R. C. Roundy, Z. V. Vardeny, M. E. Raikh
1210.3463 (Hao Hu et al.)
Percolation in the canonical ensemble [PDF]
Hao Hu, Henk W. J. Blöte, Youjin Deng1210.3474 (Claudius Gros et al.)
Observing scale-invariance in non-critical dynamical systems [PDF]
Claudius Gros, Dimitrije Markovic1210.3492 (M. Frechero et al.)
Intermediate Range Structure in Ion-Conducting Tellurite Glasses [PDF]
M. Frechero, L. Padilla, H. O. Mártin, J. L. Iguain1210.3518 (Severine Atis et al.)
Self-Sustained Reaction Fronts in Porous Media [PDF]
Severine Atis, Sandeep Saha, Harold Auradou, Dominique Salin, Laurent Talon1210.3519 (R. P. Kurta et al.)
Solution of the phase problem for coherent scattering from a disordered
system of identical particles [PDF]
R. P. Kurta, R. Dronyak, M. Altarelli, E. Weckert, I. A. Vartanyants
1210.3555 (Danielle S. Bassett et al.)
Core-Periphery Organisation of Human Brain Dynamics [PDF]
Danielle S. Bassett, Nicholas F. Wymbs, M. Puck Rombach, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, Scott T. GraftonFriday, October 12, 2012
1210.3148 (Goran Gligorić et al.)
Make Slow Fast -- how to speed up interacting disordered matter [PDF]
Goran Gligorić, Kristian Rayanov, Sergej Flach1210.3289 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)
Electronic transport in the Coulomb phase of the pyrochlore spin ice [PDF]
Gia-Wei Chern, Saurabh Maiti, Rafael M. Fernandes, Peter Wölfle1210.3324 (Imre Kondor et al.)
Strong random correlations in networks of heterogeneous agents [PDF]
Imre Kondor, István Csabai, Gábor Papp, Enys Mones, Gábor Czimbalmos, Máté Csaba SándorThursday, October 11, 2012
1210.2941 (C. Cammarota et al.)
On the fragility of the mean-field scenario of structural glasses for
finite-dimensional disordered spin models [PDF]
C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, G. Tarjus
1210.3014 (Dmitry S. Novikov et al.)
Characterizing microstructure of living tissues with time-dependent
diffusion [PDF]
Dmitry S. Novikov, Els Fieremans, Jens H. Jensen, Joseph A. Helpern
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
1110.4288 (S. Boettcher et al.)
Ordinary Percolation with Discontinuous Transitions [PDF]
S. Boettcher, V. Singh, R. M. Ziff1210.2470 (Rui-Lin Chu et al.)
Finite size scaling of entanglement entropy at the Anderson transition
with interactions [PDF]
Rui-Lin Chu, An Zhao, Shun-Qing Shen
1210.2512 (Andrea Pagnani et al.)
Very large scale simulations of the RSOS model in four dimensions [PDF]
Andrea Pagnani, Giorgio Parisi1210.2524 (Sawako Nakamae et al.)
Dynamic Correlation Length Growth in Superspin Glass: Bridging
Experiments and Simulations [PDF]
Sawako Nakamae, Caroline Crauste-Thibierge, Denis L'Hote, Eric Vincent, Emmanuelle Dubois, Vincent Dupuis, Regine Perzynski
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
1112.4919 (Gavriil Shchedrin et al.)
Resonance width distribution for open quantum systems [PDF]
Gavriil Shchedrin, Vladimir Zelevinsky1210.2257 (Y. M. Beltukov et al.)
The Ioffe-Regel criterion and diffusion of vibrations in random lattices [PDF]
Y. M. Beltukov, V. I. Kozub, D. A. Parshin1210.2336 (Carla Bosia et al.)
Modeling competing endogenous RNAs networks [PDF]
Carla Bosia, Andrea Pagnani, Riccardo Zecchina1210.2338 (Matteo Figliuzzi et al.)
MicroRNAs as a selective, post-transcriptional channel of communication
between ceRNAs: a steady-state theory [PDF]
Matteo Figliuzzi, Enzo Marinari, Andrea De Martino
1210.2344 (Yasmine Meroz et al.)
A Test for Determining a Subdiffusive Model in Ergodic Systems from
Single Trajectories [PDF]
Yasmine Meroz, Igor M. Sokolov, Joseph Klafter
Monday, October 8, 2012
1210.1659 (Biplab Pal et al.)
Engineering light localization in a fractal waveguide network [PDF]
Biplab Pal, Pinaki Patra, Jyoti Prasad Saha, Arunava ChakrabartiFriday, October 5, 2012
1210.1249 (Gcina A. Mavimbela et al.)
Fluctuating Phases and Fluctuating Relaxation Times in Glass Forming
Liquids [PDF]
Gcina A. Mavimbela, Horacio E. Castillo, Azita Parsaeian
1210.1499 (Pavel V. Prudnikov et al.)
Non-equilibrium critical relaxation of the 3D Heisenberg magnets with
long-range correlated disorder [PDF]
Pavel V. Prudnikov, Maria A. Medvedeva
Thursday, October 4, 2012
1210.0989 (Ashivni Shekhawat et al.)
From damage percolation to crack nucleation through finite size
criticality [PDF]
Ashivni Shekhawat, Stefano Zapperi, James P. Sethna
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
1210.0128 (Till Hoffmann et al.)
Decentralized Routing on Spatial Networks with Stochastic Edge Weights [PDF]
Till Hoffmann, Renaud Lambiotte, Mason A. Porter1210.0283 (Jing Wang et al.)
Transport through modes in random media [PDF]
Jing Wang, Azriel Z. Genack1210.0330 (Peter Csermely et al.)
Structure and dynamics of molecular networks: A novel paradigm of drug
discovery. A comprehensive review [PDF]
Peter Csermely, Tamas Korcsmaros, Huba J. M. Kiss, Gabor London, Ruth Nussinov
1210.0661 (Biswanath Dutta et al.)
A first principles study of magnetism in Pd$_{3}$Fe under pressure [PDF]
Biswanath Dutta, Sumanta Bhandary, Subhradip Ghosh, Biplab Sanyal1210.0662 (Oscar Grå näs et al.)
A new first principles approach to calculate phonon spectra of
disordered alloys [PDF]
Oscar Grå näs, Biswanath Dutta, Subhradip Ghosh, Biplab Sanyal
1210.0811 (Victor Bapst et al.)
The Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm applied to random optimization problems:
the quantum spin glass perspective [PDF]
Victor Bapst, Laura Foini, Florent Krzakala, Guilhem Semerjian, Francesco Zamponi
1210.0836 (Ramil M. Khusnutdinoff et al.)
Microscopic Structural and Dynamical Properties of Amorphous Metallic
Alloy $Ni_{33}Zr_{67}$ at the Temperature $T=300K$ [PDF]
Ramil M. Khusnutdinoff, Anatolii V. Mokshin, Ilgiz I. Khadeev
Monday, October 1, 2012
1109.6647 (Takeshi Egami et al.)
Space-time dependence of the anomalous exponent of electric transport in
the disorder model [PDF]
Takeshi Egami, Koshiro Suzuki, Katsuhiro Watanabe
1209.6384 (Mariya V. Medvedyeva et al.)
Eigenfrequencies of the randomly pinned drum and conductivity of
graphene [PDF]
Mariya V. Medvedyeva, Yaroslav M. Blanter
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