Monday, April 30, 2012

1201.1432 (Jean-François Sadoc et al.)

Phyllotaxis: a non conventional crystalline solution to packing
efficiency in situations with radial symmetry

Jean-François Sadoc, Nicolas Rivier, Jean Charvolin

1204.6192 (Taras Yavors'kii et al.)

Optimized GPU simulation of continuous-spin glass models    [PDF]

Taras Yavors'kii, Martin Weigel

1204.6221 (Zoran Ristivojevic et al.)

The super-rough phase of the Cardy-Ostlund model: two loop results    [PDF]

Zoran Ristivojevic, Pierre Le Doussal, Kay Jörg Wiese

1204.6262 (Yogesh M. Joshi et al.)

Delayed solidification of soft glasses: New experiments, and a
theoretical challenge

Yogesh M. Joshi, A. Shahin, Michael E. Cates

1204.6282 (Ginestra Bianconi)

Enhancement of Tc in the Superconductor-Insulator Phase Transition on
Scale-Free Networks

Ginestra Bianconi

1204.6300 (Grzegorz Szamel et al.)

Glassy dynamics of partially pinned fluids: an alternative mode-coupling

Grzegorz Szamel, Elijah Flenner