Monday, February 20, 2012
1110.3145 (Cecile Monthus et al.)
Random Transverse Field Ising Model in dimension $d>1$ : scaling
Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel1202.3810 (L. Demko et al.)
Disorder promotes ferromagnetism: Rounding of the quantum phase
transition in Sr_{1-x}Ca_xRuO_3 [PDF]
L. Demko, S. Bordacs, T. Vojta, D. Nozadze, F. Hrahsheh, C. Svoboda, B. Dora, H. Yamada, M. Kawasaki, Y. Tokura, I. Kezsmarki
1202.3908 (Derek Larson et al.)
Quantum antagonism of ferromagnetic order [PDF]
Derek Larson, Ying-Jer Kao
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