Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel
For the quantum Ising model with ferromagnetic random couplings $J_{i,j}>0$
and random transverse fields $h_i>0$ at zero temperature in finite dimensions
$d>1$, we consider the lowest-order contributions in perturbation theory in
$(J_{i,j}/h_i)$ to obtain some information on the statistics of various
observables in the disordered phase. We find that the two-point correlation
scales as : $\ln C(r) \sim - \frac{r}{\xi_{typ}} +r^{\omega} u$, where
$\xi_{typ} $ is the typical correlation length, $u$ is a random variable, and
$\omega$ coincides with the droplet exponent $\omega_{DP}(D=d-1)$ of the
Directed Polymer with $D=(d-1)$ transverse directions. Our main conclusions are
(i) whenever $\omega>0$, the quantum model is governed by an Infinite-Disorder
fixed point : there are two distinct correlation length exponents related by
$\nu_{typ}=(1-\omega)\nu_{av}$ ; the distribution of the local susceptibility
$\chi_{loc}$ presents the power-law tail $P(\chi_{loc}) \sim
1/\chi_{loc}^{1+\mu}$ where $\mu$ vanishes as $\xi_{av}^{-\omega} $, so that
the averaged local susceptibility diverges in a finite neighborhood $0<\mu<1$
before criticality (Griffiths phase) ; the dynamical exponent $z$ diverges near
criticality as $z=d/\mu \sim \xi_{av}^{\omega}$ (ii) in dimensions $d \leq 3$,
any infinitesimal disorder flows towards this Infinite-Disorder fixed point
with $\omega(d)>0$ (for instance $\omega(d=2)=1/3$ and $\omega(d=3) \sim 0.24$)
(iii) in finite dimensions $d > 3$, a finite disorder strength is necessary to
flow towards the Infinite-Disorder fixed point with $\omega(d)>0$ (for instance
$\omega(d=4) \simeq 0.19$), whereas a Finite-Disorder fixed point remains
possible for a small enough disorder strength. For the Cayley tree of effective
dimension $d=\infty$ where $\omega=0$, we discuss the similarities and
differences with the case of finite dimensions.
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