Tuesday, March 12, 2013

1303.2165 (Vanessa Jane Bukas et al.)

Ready, set and no action: A static perspective on potential energy
surfaces commonly used in gas-surface dynamics

Vanessa Jane Bukas, Jörg Meyer, Maite Alducin, Karsten Reuter

1303.2253 (A. Alan Middleton)

Which measures of spin-glass overlaps are informative?    [PDF]

A. Alan Middleton

1303.2342 (Adam Nahum et al.)

Loop models with crossings    [PDF]

Adam Nahum, P. Serna, A. M. Somoza, M. Ortuño

1303.2359 (K. Ziegler)

Metal-insulator transition in three-dimensional semiconductors    [PDF]

K. Ziegler

1303.2413 (Lu-Lu Wu et al.)

Witness of unsatisfiability for a random 3-satisfiability formula    [PDF]

Lu-Lu Wu, Hai-Jun Zhou, Mikko Alava, Erik Aurell, Pekka Orponen

1303.2483 (Cecile Monthus et al.)

Dynamical barriers for the random ferromagnetic Ising model on the
Cayley tree : traveling-wave solution of the real space renormalization flow

Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel