Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1207.5389 (Alexander V. Milovanov)

Percolation Models of Self-Organized Critical Phenomena    [PDF]

Alexander V. Milovanov
In this chapter of the e-book "Self-Organized Criticality Systems" we summarize some theoretical approaches to self-organized criticality (SOC) phenomena that involve percolation as an essential key ingredient. Scaling arguments, random walk models, linear-response theory, and fractional kinetic equations of the diffusion and relaxation type are presented on an equal footing with theoretical approaches of greater sophistication, such as the formalism of discrete Anderson nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, Hamiltonian pseudochaos, conformal maps, and fractional derivative equations of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger and Ginzburg-Landau type. Several physical consequences are described which are relevant to transport processes in complex systems. It is shown that a state of self-organized criticality may be unstable against a bursting ("fishbone") mode when certain conditions are met. Finally we discuss SOC-associated phenomena, such as: self-organized turbulence in the Earth's magnetotail (in terms of the "Sakura" model), phase transitions in SOC systems, mixed SOC-coherent behavior, and periodic and auto-oscillatory patterns of behavior. Applications of the above pertain to phenomena of magnetospheric substorm, market crashes, and the global climate change and are also discussed in some detail. Finally we address the frontiers in the field in association with the emerging projects in fusion research and space exploration.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.5389

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