Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
1208.5669 (Thomas Gueudre et al.)
Directed polymer near a hard wall and KPZ equation in the half-space [PDF]
Thomas Gueudre, Pierre Le DoussalTuesday, August 28, 2012
1208.5053 (M. C. O. Aguiar et al.)
Universal quantum criticality at the Mott-Anderson transition [PDF]
M. C. O. Aguiar, V. DobrosavljevicMonday, August 27, 2012
1208.4696 (Yoshiyuki Kabashima et al.)
Typical $l_1$-recovery limit of sparse vectors represented by
concatenations of random orthogonal matrices [PDF]
Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Mikko Vehkapera, Saikat Chatterjee
1208.4852 (Chien-Hung Lin et al.)
Quantum Dynamics of Disordered Bosons in an Optical Lattice [PDF]
Chien-Hung Lin, Rajdeep Sensarma, K. Sengupta, S. Das SarmaFriday, August 24, 2012
1208.4601 (Brian Skinner et al.)
Why is the bulk resistivity of topological insulators so small? [PDF]
Brian Skinner, Tianran Chen, B. I. Shklovskii1208.4767 (Shu-Chiuan Chang et al.)
Some Exact Results on Bond Percolation [PDF]
Shu-Chiuan Chang, Robert ShrockWednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
1208.3688 (Jeremi K. Ochab et al.)
Maximal entropy random walk in community finding [PDF]
Jeremi K. Ochab, Zdzisław Burda1208.3803 (B. Y. Pan et al.)
Anderson localization of spinons in a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain [PDF]
B. Y. Pan, S. Y. Zhou, X. C. Hong, X. Qiu, S. Y. Li
1208.3918 (S. Iblisdir et al.)
Low Depth Quantum Circuits for Ising Models [PDF]
S. Iblisdir, M. Cirio, O. Boada, G. K. BrennenMonday, August 20, 2012
1208.3475 (Tamas G. Kovacs et al.)
Poisson to Random Matrix Transition in the QCD Dirac Spectrum [PDF]
Tamas G. Kovacs, Ferenc Pittler1208.3602 (Yuri Yu. Tarasevich et al.)
Percolation of linear $k$-mers on square lattice: from isotropic through
partially ordered to completely aligned state [PDF]
Yuri Yu. Tarasevich, Nikolai I. Lebovka, Valeri V. Laptev
1208.3621 (George Alexandru Nemnes et al.)
Fractional exclusion statistics in disordered interacting systems [PDF]
George Alexandru Nemnes, Dragos-Victor AnghelFriday, August 17, 2012
1208.3336 (G. Lemarié et al.)
Universal scaling of the order-parameter distribution in strongly
disordered superconductors [PDF]
G. Lemarié, A. Kamlapure, D. Bucheli, L. Benfatto, J. Lorenzana, G. Seibold, S. C. Ganguli, P. Raychaudhuri, C. Castellani
1208.3354 (Daniel Ritterskamp et al.)
States of Enhanced Activity in a Network of Pulse Coupled Oscillators
with Dynamic Coupling [PDF]
Daniel Ritterskamp, Rudolf Friedrich
1208.3383 (Michelle Rudolph-Lilith et al.)
Structual Vulnerability of the Nematode Worm Neural Graph [PDF]
Michelle Rudolph-Lilith, Alain Destexhe, Lyle E. MullerThursday, August 16, 2012
1208.3181 (Smarajit Karmakar et al.)
Random Pinning Glass Model [PDF]
Smarajit Karmakar, Giorgio ParisiWednesday, August 15, 2012
1208.2800 (Tomoyuki Obuchi et al.)
A Prototype of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions of Glassy Systems [PDF]
Tomoyuki Obuchi, Kazutaka Takahashi1208.2883 (Alexander L. Burin et al.)
Low temperature dipolar echo in amorphous dielectrics: Significance of
relaxation and decoherence free two level systems [PDF]
Alexander L. Burin, John M. Leveritt III, Gudrun Fickenscher, Andreas Fleischmann, Christian Schötz, Mesoomeh Bazrafshan, Paul Faßl, Manfred v. Schickfus, Christian Enss
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
1208.2506 (Huda Mohd Ramli et al.)
Spectral Properties of the Jacobi Ensembles via the Coulomb Gas approach [PDF]
Huda Mohd Ramli, Eytan Katzav, Isaac Pérez Castillo1208.2532 (Xiaoming Cai et al.)
Topological superconductor to Anderson localization transition in
one-dimensional incommensurate lattices [PDF]
Xiaoming Cai, Li-Jun Lang, Shu Chen, Yupeng Wang
1208.2575 (Christopher Birchall et al.)
Random-matrix theory of amplifying and absorbing resonators with PT or
PTT' symmetry [PDF]
Christopher Birchall, Henning Schomerus
Monday, August 13, 2012
1208.2070 (Paulo G. Normando et al.)
Microstructure identification via detrended fluctuation analysis of
ultrasound signals [PDF]
Paulo G. Normando, Romao S. Nascimento, Elineudo P. Moura, Andre P. Vieira
1208.2227 (Th. Bauer et al.)
Nonlinear dielectric response at the excess wing of glass-forming
liquids [PDF]
Th. Bauer, P. Lunkenheimer, S. Kastner, A. Loidl
Friday, August 10, 2012
1208.1774 (L. B. Litinskii et al.)
Operator formalism for optical neural network based on the parametrical
four-wave mixing process [PDF]
L. B. Litinskii, B. V. Kryzhanovsky, A. Fonarev
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
1106.4925 (S. Yoon et al.)
Belief-propagation algorithm and the Ising model on networks with
arbitrary distributions of motifs [PDF]
S. Yoon, A. V. Goltsev, S. N. Dorogovtsev, J. F. F. Mendes
1208.1295 (Francesc Font-Clos et al.)
A weighted belief-propagation algorithm to estimate volume-related
properties of random polytopes [PDF]
Francesc Font-Clos, Francesco Alessandro Massucci, Isaac Pérez Castillo
1208.1431 (Steffen Karalus et al.)
Network evolution towards optimal dynamical performance [PDF]
Steffen Karalus, Markus PortoTuesday, August 7, 2012
1208.0890 (Atul Varshney et al.)
Amorphous to amorphous transition in particle rafts [PDF]
Atul Varshney, A. Sane, Shankar Ghosh, S. Bhattacharya1208.1104 (Nicholas P. Breznay et al.)
Weak antilocalization and disorder-enhanced electron interactions in
crystalline GeSbTe [PDF]
Nicholas P. Breznay, Hanno Volker, Alexander Palevski, Riccardo Mazzarello, Aharon Kapitulnik, Matthias Wuttig
Monday, August 6, 2012
1208.0696 (Stefano Luccioli et al.)
Collective dynamics in sparse networks [PDF]
Stefano Luccioli, Simona Olmi, Antonio Politi, Alessandro TorciniFriday, August 3, 2012
1208.0213 (L. R. Gomez et al.)
Uniform Shock Waves in Disordered Granular Matter [PDF]
L. R. Gomez, A. M. Turner, V. Vitelli1208.0421 (Jorge Kurchan et al.)
Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension. I. The
free energy [PDF]
Jorge Kurchan, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
1207.7189 (Munetaka Sasaki et al.)
A List Referring Monte Carlo Method for Lattice Glass Models [PDF]
Munetaka Sasaki, Koji Hukushima1207.7269 (Gabriele C. Sosso et al.)
Breakdown of Stokes-Einstein relation in the supercooled liquid state of
phase change materials [PDF]
Gabriele C. Sosso, Joerg Behler, Marco Bernasconi
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