Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1305.5848 (Jie Sun et al.)

Controllability transition and nonlocality in network control    [PDF]

Jie Sun, Adilson E. Motter

1305.5908 (Xiaolong Deng et al.)

Topological transitions of interacting bosons in one-dimensional
bi-chromatic optical lattices

Xiaolong Deng, Luis Santos

1305.5936 (Elena Agliari et al.)

Immune networks: multi-tasking capabilities near saturation    [PDF]

Elena Agliari, Alessia Annibale, Adriano Barra, A. C. C. Coolen, Daniele Tantari

1305.6072 (S. S. Kondov et al.)

Interplay of disorder and interactions in an optical lattice Hubbard

S. S. Kondov, W. R. McGehee, B. DeMarco

1305.6078 (Mauro Faccin et al.)

Degree Distribution in Quantum Walks on Complex Networks    [PDF]

Mauro Faccin, Tomi Johnson, Jacob Biamonte, Sabre Kais, Piotr Migdał

1305.6140 (Máté Vigh et al.)

Diverging dc conductivity due to a flat band in disordered pseudospin-1
Dirac-Weyl fermions

Máté Vigh, László Oroszlány, Szabolcs Vajna, Pablo San-Jose, Gyula Dávid, József Cserti, Balázs Dóra

1305.6300 (M. A. Skvortsov et al.)

Subgap states in disordered superconductors    [PDF]

M. A. Skvortsov, M. V. Feigel'man

Sunday, May 19, 2013

1305.3156 (Pedro O Castillo-Villa et al.)

Crackling noise during failure of alumina under compression: effect of

Pedro O Castillo-Villa, Jordi Baró, Antoni Planes, Ekhard K H Salje, Pathikumar Sellappan, Waltraud M Kriven, Eduard Vives

1305.3187 (Carlo Lucibello et al.)

Finite size corrections to disordered systems on Erdös-Rényi
random graphs

Carlo Lucibello, Flaviano Morone, Giorgio Parisi, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Tommaso Rizzo

1305.3282 (Rémi Louf et al.)

Emergence of hierarchy in cost driven growth of spatial networks    [PDF]

Rémi Louf, Pablo Jensen, Marc Barthelemy

1305.3538 (C. Cammarota et al.)

Confinement as a tool to probe amorphous order    [PDF]

C. Cammarota, G. Gradenigo, G. Biroli

1305.3565 (Yogesh N. Joglekar et al.)

Optical waveguide arrays: quantum effects and PT symmetry breaking    [PDF]

Yogesh N. Joglekar, Clinton Thompson, Derek D. Scott, Gautam Vemuri

1305.3621 (Jonathan J. Heckman)

Statistical Inference and String Theory    [PDF]

Jonathan J. Heckman

1305.3638 (Vilarbo da Silva Junior et al.)

The Quantum Spherical Spin Glass Model: A Limitation to Static

Vilarbo da Silva Junior, Alexsandro M. Carvalho

1305.3736 (A. Yu. Kuntsevich et al.)

Electron-electron interaction correction and magnetoresistance in tilted
fields in Si-based 2D systems

A. Yu. Kuntsevich, L. A. Morgun, V. M. Pudalov

Friday, May 3, 2013

1305.0031 (K. K. Bardhan et al.)

Nonlinearity exponents in disordered systems    [PDF]

K. K. Bardhan, D. Talukdar

1305.0197 (Bernard Sonnenschein et al.)

Excitable elements controlled by noise and network structure    [PDF]

Bernard Sonnenschein, Michael A. Zaks, Alexander B. Neiman, Lutz Schimansky-Geier

1305.0207 (S. -X. Yang et al.)

Mean-field embedding of the dual fermion approach for correlated
electron systems

S. -X. Yang, H. Terletska, Z. Y. Meng, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell

1305.0242 (M. Amini et al.)

Multifractality and quantum-to-classical crossover in the Coulomb
anomaly at the Mott-Anderson metal-insulator transition

M. Amini, V. E. Kravtsov, M. Mueller

1305.0360 (Hidetoshi Aoki et al.)

Slow Stochastic Switching by Collective Chaos of Fast Elements    [PDF]

Hidetoshi Aoki, Kunihiko Kaneko

1305.0408 (Pablo R. Zangara et al.)

Interaction-disorder competition in a spin system evaluated through the
Loschmidt Echo

Pablo R. Zangara, Axel D. Dente, Aníbal Iucci, Patricia R. Levstein, Horacio M. Pastawski