Thursday, July 25, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

1307.4878 (L. Ruiz-Valdepeñas et al.)

Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in
magnetic/superconducting hybrids

L. Ruiz-Valdepeñas, M. Velez, F. Valdes-Bango, L. M. Alvarez-Prado, J. I. Martin, E. Navarro, J. M. Alameda, J. L. Vicent

1307.4940 (Tobias Geiger et al.)

Microscopic scattering theory for interacting bosons in weak random

Tobias Geiger, Andreas Buchleitner, Thomas Wellens

1307.4977 (Manlio De Domenico et al.)

Mathematical Formulation of Multi-Layer Networks    [PDF]

Manlio De Domenico, Albert Solè-Ribalta, Emanuele Cozzo, Mikko Kivelä, Yamir Moreno, Mason A. Porter, Sergio Gòmez, Alex Arenas

1307.4984 (Elena Agliari et al.)

Ferromagnetic models for cooperative behavior: Revising Universality in
complex phenomena

Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Andrea Pizzoferrato, Daniele Tantari

1307.4998 (Janus Collaboration et al.)

Dynamical Transition in the D =3 Edwards-Anderson spin glass in an
external magnetic field

Janus Collaboration, M. Baity-Jesi, R. Alvarez Baños, A. Cruz, L. A. Fernandez, J. M. Gil-Narvion, Gordillo-Guerrero, D. Iñiguez, A. Maiorano, F. Mantovani, E. Marinari, V. Martin-Mayor, J. Monforte-Garcia, A. Muñoz Sudupe, D. Navarro, G. Parisi, S. Perez-Gaviro, M. Pivanti, J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, S. F. Schifano, B. Seoane, A. Tarancon, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, R. Tripiccione, D. Yllanes

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3605 (W. Zhang et al.)

Saturated Low-Temperature Conductivity in Ultrafast Semiconductor

W. Zhang, E. R. Brown, M. Martin

1307.3618 (Pei Wang et al.)

The numerical operator method to the real time dynamics of currents
through the nanostructures with different topologies

Pei Wang, Xuean Zhao, Ling Tang

1307.3871 (A. Ramezanpour)

Multilayer wave functions: A recursive coupling of local excitations    [PDF]

A. Ramezanpour

1307.3987 (Timo Dewenter et al.)

Exact ground states of one-dimensional long-range random-field Ising

Timo Dewenter, Alexander K. Hartmann

1307.3997 (Hugo Jacquin)

Glass and jamming transition of simple liquids: static and dynamic

Hugo Jacquin

1307.4030 (Ingo Scholtes et al.)

Slow-Down vs. Speed-Up of Information Diffusion in Non-Markovian
Temporal Networks

Ingo Scholtes, Nicolas Wider, Rene Pfitzner, Antonios Garas, Claudio Juan Tessone, Frank Schweitzer

1307.4060 (Luca Tanzi et al.)

Transport of a Bose gas in 1D disordered lattices at the fluid-insulator

Luca Tanzi, Eleonora Lucioni, Saptarishi Chaudhuri, Lorenzo Gori, Avinash Kumar, Chiara D'Errico, Massimo Inguscio, Giovanni Modugno

Friday, July 5, 2013

1307.1154 (Felipe Bohn et al.)

Universal properties of magnetization dynamics in polycrystalline
ferromagnetic films

Felipe Bohn, Marcio Assolin Correa, Alexandre Da Cas Viegas, Stefanos Papanikolaou, Gianfranco Durin, Rubem Luis Sommer

1307.1205 (Giulio Biroli et al.)

Comparison of Static Length-Scales Characterizing the Glass Transition    [PDF]

Giulio Biroli, Smarajit Karmakar, Itamar Procaccia

1307.1227 (Pallab Barai et al.)

Role of the sample thickness in planar crack propagation    [PDF]

Pallab Barai, Phani K. V. V. Nukala, Mikko J. Alava, Stefano Zapperi

1307.1359 (Bongsoo Kim et al.)

Equilibrium dynamics of the Dean-Kawasaki model: MCT and beyond    [PDF]

Bongsoo Kim, Kyozi Kawasaki, Hugo Jacquin, Frédéric van Wijland

1307.1407 (Alexander Janot et al.)

Superfluid Stiffness of a Driven Dissipative Condensate with Disorder    [PDF]

Alexander Janot, Timo Hyart, Paul R. Eastham, Bernd Rosenow