Thursday, January 31, 2013
1301.7115 (Madhu Advani et al.)
Statistical mechanics of complex neural systems and high dimensional
Madhu Advani, Subhaneil Lahiri, Surya Ganguli1301.7160 (Hongting Yang et al.)
Fast realization of a spatially correlated percolation model [PDF]
Hongting Yang, Stephan Haas1301.7246 (U. Briskot et al.)
Quantum magnetooscillations in the ac conductivity of disordered
graphene [PDF]
U. Briskot, I. A. Dmitriev, A. D. Mirlin
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
1301.6821 (K. Liu et al.)
Effect of Dilution on Spinodals and Pseudospinodals [PDF]
K. Liu, W. Klein, C. A. SerinoTuesday, January 29, 2013
1301.6199 (Ayaka Sakata et al.)
Sample Complexity of Bayesian Optimal Dictionary Learning [PDF]
Ayaka Sakata, Yoshiyuki Kabashima1301.6498 (Giovanni Petri et al.)
Topological strata of weighted complex networks [PDF]
Giovanni Petri, Martina Scolamiero, Irene Donato, Francesco Vaccarino1301.6610 (B. Ruta et al.)
Compressed correlation functions and fast aging dynamics in metallic
glasses [PDF]
B. Ruta, G. Baldi, G. Monaco, Y. Chushkin
Monday, January 28, 2013
1301.5916 (Yang Yang et al.)
Network Observability Transitions [PDF]
Yang Yang, Jianhui Wang, Adilson E. Motter1301.6006 (Biagio Nigro et al.)
Quasiuniversal connectedness percolation of polydisperse rod systems [PDF]
Biagio Nigro, Claudio Grimaldi, Peter Ryser, Avik P. Chatterjee, Paul van der SchootFriday, January 25, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
1301.5098 (D. S. Brambila et al.)
Nonlinearly-enhanced energy transport in many dimensional quantum chaos [PDF]
D. S. Brambila, A. Fratalocchi1301.5253 (Sujit S. Datta et al.)
Drainage in a model stratified porous medium [PDF]
Sujit S. Datta, David A. WeitzTuesday, January 22, 2013
1301.4556 (Davide Cellai et al.)
Singularities in ternary mixtures of k-core percolation [PDF]
Davide Cellai, James P. Gleeson1301.4664 (Ashwin J. et al.)
The cooling rate dependence of the shear modulus of amorphous solids [PDF]
Ashwin J., Eran Bouchbinder, Itamar Procaccia1301.4883 (Amber T. Krummel et al.)
Visualizing multiphase flow and trapped fluid configurations in a model
three-dimensional porous medium [PDF]
Amber T. Krummel, Sujit S. Datta, Stefan Münster, David A. Weitz
1301.4982 (M A de Vries et al.)
Low-temperature spin dynamics of a valence bond glass in Ba2YMoO6 [PDF]
M A de Vries, J O Piatek, M Misek, J S Lord, H M Ronnow, J-W G BosMonday, January 21, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
1301.4080 (Hideyuki Mizuno et al.)
Measuring Spatial Distribution of Local Elastic Modulus in Glasses [PDF]
Hideyuki Mizuno, Stefano Mossa, Jean-Louis Barrat1301.4111 (Akash Chakraborty et al.)
Spin-wave excitations in presence of nanoclusters of magnetic impurities [PDF]
Akash Chakraborty, Paul Wenk, Stefan Kettemann, Richard Bouzerar, Georges Bouzerar1301.4188 (N. A. M. Araújo et al.)
Optimal synchronizability of bearings [PDF]
N. A. M. Araújo, H. Seybold, R. M. Baram, H. J. Herrmann, J. S. Andrade Jr1301.4205 (Fan Zhang et al.)
Valley Chern Numbers and Boundary Modes in Gapped Bilayer Graphene [PDF]
Fan Zhang, A. H. MacDonald, E. J. MeleThursday, January 17, 2013
1301.3574 (M. G. Yucht et al.)
Dynamical behavior of disordered spring networks [PDF]
M. G. Yucht, M. Sheinman, C. P. Broedersz1301.3779 (Gilles Wainrib et al.)
Optimal system size for complex dynamics in random neural networks near
criticality [PDF]
Gilles Wainrib, Luis Carlos GarcÃa del Molino
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
1301.3428 (M. Mendoza et al.)
Hydrodynamic Model for Conductivity in Graphene [PDF]
M. Mendoza, H. J. Herrmann, S. SucciTuesday, January 15, 2013
1301.2727 (L. Casparis et al.)
Evidence for Disorder Induced Delocalization in Graphite [PDF]
L. Casparis, D. Hug, D. Kölbl, D. M. Zumbühl1301.2924 (I. Biazzo et al.)
Low-temperature excitations within the Bethe approximation [PDF]
I. Biazzo, A. RamezanpourMonday, January 14, 2013
1106.2088 (Wei Chen et al.)
Deriving an underlying mechanism for discontinuous percolation [PDF]
Wei Chen, Zhiming Zheng, Raissa M. D'SouzaSunday, January 13, 2013
0408256 (Bhavtosh Bansal et al.)
Scattering of Carriers by Charged Dislocations in Semiconductors [PDF]
Bhavtosh Bansal, Rituparna Ghosh, V. VenkataramanFriday, January 11, 2013
1301.2162 (R. E. Ryltsev et al.)
Superfragile glassy dynamics of onecomponent system with isotropic
potential: competition of diffusion and frustration [PDF]
R. E. Ryltsev, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, V. N. Ryzhov
1301.2174 (Knut S. Gjerden et al.)
Universality Classes in Constrained Crack Growth [PDF]
Knut S. Gjerden, Arne Stormo, Alex HansenThursday, January 10, 2013
1212.5602 (Gytis Kulaitis et al.)
Disordered driven coupled cavity arrays: Non-equilibrium stochastic
mean-field theory [PDF]
Gytis Kulaitis, Frank Krüger, Felix Nissen, Jonathan Keeling
1301.1795 (Walter Kob et al.)
Probing a liquid to glass transition in equilibrium [PDF]
Walter Kob, Ludovic Berthier1301.1923 (Johannes Neidhart et al.)
Exact Results for Amplitude Spectra of Fitness Landscapes [PDF]
Johannes Neidhart, Ivan G. Szendro, Joachim KrugWednesday, January 9, 2013
1301.1377 (Z. Xiao et al.)
Domain wall roughness and creep in nanoscale crystalline ferroelectric
polymer [PDF]
Z. Xiao, Shashi Poddar, Stephen Ducharme, X. Hong
1301.1423 (Yingying Xu et al.)
Statistical mechanics approach to 1-bit compressed sensing [PDF]
Yingying Xu, Yoshiyuki Kabashima1301.1503 (Naoki Masuda et al.)
Application of semidefinite programming to maximize the spectral gap
produced by node removal [PDF]
Naoki Masuda, Tetsuya Fujie, Kazuo Murota
1301.1615 (Matthias Lopez et al.)
Phase diagram of the Anderson transition with atomic matter waves [PDF]
Matthias Lopez, Jean-François Clément, Gabriel Lemarié, Dominique Delande, Pascal Szriftgiser, Jean Claude GarreauTuesday, January 8, 2013
1111.1751 (Xiaoming Mao et al.)
Effective Medium Theory of Filamentous Triangular Lattice [PDF]
Xiaoming Mao, Olaf Stenull, T. C. Lubensky1301.0866 (Koshiro Suzuki et al.)
Mode coupling theory for sheared granular liquids [PDF]
Koshiro Suzuki, Hisao Hayakawa1301.0870 (Xiaoming Mao et al.)
Elasticity of Filamentous Kagome Lattice [PDF]
Xiaoming Mao, Olaf Stenull, T. C. Lubensky1301.1181 (Shiladitya Sengupta et al.)
Distribution of Diffusion Constants and Stokes-Einstein Violation in
supercooled liquids [PDF]
Shiladitya Sengupta, Smarajit Karmakar
1301.1252 (Creighton K. Thomas et al.)
Numerically exact correlations and sampling in the two-dimensional Ising
spin glass [PDF]
Creighton K. Thomas, A. Alan Middleton
Monday, January 7, 2013
1301.0522 (Quentin Baudouin et al.)
A cold-atom random laser [PDF]
Quentin Baudouin, Nicolas Mercadier, Vera Guarrera, William Guerin, Robin Kaiser1301.0685 (E. E. Tareyeva et al.)
Orientational glass: full replica symmetry breaking in generalized spin
glass-like models without reflection symmetry [PDF]
E. E. Tareyeva, T. I. Schelkacheva, N. M. Chtchelkatchev
Thursday, January 3, 2013
1212.6337 (Stefanie Thiem et al.)
Quantum Diffusion in Separable d-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Tilings [PDF]
Stefanie Thiem, Michael SchreiberTuesday, January 1, 2013
1212.6538 (Juntao Song et al.)
The dependence of topological Anderson insulator on the type of disorder [PDF]
Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Hua Jiang, Qing-feng Sun, X. C. Xie1212.6653 (Brian Skinner et al.)
Theory of the random potential at the surface of a topological insulator [PDF]
Brian Skinner, B. I. Shklovskii1212.6754 (Stefanie Thiem et al.)
Similarity of eigenstates in generalized labyrinth tilings [PDF]
Stefanie Thiem, Michael Schreiber
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