Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1212.0058 (Ayaka Sakata)

Time evolution of autocorrelation function in dynamical replica theory    [PDF]

Ayaka Sakata

1212.0118 (Pierluigi Contucci)

Stochastic Stability and the Spin Glass Phase. The State of the Art for
Mean Field and Finite Dimensional Models

Pierluigi Contucci

1212.0322 (Andreas W. W. Ludwig et al.)

Lyapunov spectra for all symmetry classes of quasi-one-dimensional
disordered systems

Andreas W. W. Ludwig, Hermann Schulz-Baldes, Michael Stolz

1212.0348 (Viktoria Blavatska et al.)

Conformational transitions in random heteropolymer models    [PDF]

Viktoria Blavatska, Wolfhard Janke

1212.0390 (Francesco Zamponi)

Theory of simple glasses    [PDF]

Francesco Zamponi

1212.0404 (I. Leyva et al.)

Explosive transitions to synchronization in networked phase oscillators    [PDF]

I. Leyva, I. Sendiña-Nadal, J. Almendral, A. Navas, M. Zanin, D. Papo, J. M. Buldú, S. Boccaletti

1212.0475 (Francesco Caltagirone et al.)

Critical Off-Equilibrium Dynamics in Glassy Systems    [PDF]

Francesco Caltagirone, Giorgio Parisi, Tommaso Rizzo

1212.0643 (Cecile Monthus et al.)

Dynamics of Ising models near zero temperature : Real Space
Renormalization Approach

Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel

1212.0688 (David B. Saakian)

Directed random walks on hierarchic trees with continuous branching: a
renormalization group approach

David B. Saakian

1212.0716 (David B. Saakian)

The Markov Switching Multi-fractal models as a new class of REM-like
models in 1-dimensional space

David B. Saakian

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1211.5641 (Ai-Min Guo et al.)

Universal scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in disordered

Ai-Min Guo, Shi-Jie Xiong, X. C. Xie, Qing-feng Sun

1211.5686 (A. V. Goltsev et al.)

Critical and resonance phenomena in neural networks    [PDF]

A. V. Goltsev, M. A. Lopes, K. -E. Lee, J. F. F. Mendes

1211.5688 (K. -E. Lee et al.)

Neural networks with dynamical synapses: from mixed-mode oscillations
and spindles to chaos

K. -E. Lee, A. V. Goltsev, M. A. Lopes, J. F. F. Mendes

1211.5690 (B. C. Coutinho et al.)

Kuramoto model with frequency-degree correlations on complex networks    [PDF]

B. C. Coutinho, A. V. Goltsev, S. N. Dorogovtsev, J. F. F. Mendes

1211.5708 (T. R. Hurd et al.)

On Watts' Cascade Model with Random Link Weights    [PDF]

T. R. Hurd, James P. Gleeson

1211.5872 (Marie Piraud et al.)

Quantum transport of atomic matterwaves in anisotropic 2D and 3D

Marie Piraud, Luca Pezzé, Laurent Sanchez-Palencia

1211.5934 (N. R. Hayre et al.)

Thermodynamic properties of the Yb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore as a function of
temperature and magnetic field: validation of a quantum spin ice exchange

N. R. Hayre, K. A. Ross, R. Applegate, T. Lin, R. R. P. Singh B. D. Gaulin, M. J. P. Gingras

1211.5945 (R. Toenjes et al.)

Spectral and non-spectral relaxation rates in one dimensional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

R. Toenjes, I. M. Sokolov, E. B. Postnikov

1211.5979 (J-Ch. Anglès d'Auriac et al.)

Locally self-similar phase diagram of the disordered Potts model on the
hierarchical lattice

J-Ch. Anglès d'Auriac, Ferenc Iglói

1211.6012 (Pedro Ribeiro et al.)

Strongly interacting bosons in multi-chromatic potentials supporting
mobility edges: localization, quasi-condensation and expansion dynamics

Pedro Ribeiro, Masudul Haque, Achilleas Lazarides

1211.6062 (A. Saichev et al.)

Fertility Heterogeneity as a Mechanism for Power Law Distributions of
Recurrence Times

A. Saichev, D. Sornette

1211.6063 (Yan V. Fyodorov et al.)

Freezing Transitions and Extreme Values: Random Matrix Theory,
$ζ(1/2+it)$, and Disordered Landscapes

Yan V. Fyodorov, Jonathan P. Keating

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1210.7304 (Silvio Franz et al.)

Static replica approach to critical correlations in glassy systems    [PDF]

Silvio Franz, Hugo Jacquin, Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi

1210.7411 (Chiaki Yamaguchi)

Proposal of a Checking Parameter in the Simulated Annealing Method
Applied to the Spin Glass Model

Chiaki Yamaguchi

1210.7462 (Mintu Mondal et al.)

Frequency dependent superfluid stiffness in the pseudogap regime in
strongly disordered NbN thin films

Mintu Mondal, Anand Kamlapure, Somesh Chandra Ganguli, John Jesudasan, Vivas Bagwe, Lara Benfatto, Pratap Raychaudhuri

1210.7498 (Kun Zhao et al.)

Percolation on interacting, antagonistic networks    [PDF]

Kun Zhao, Ginestra Bianconi

1210.7508 (Nico Riedel et al.)

A statistical mechanics approach to the sample deconvolution problem    [PDF]

Nico Riedel, Johannes Berg

1210.7601 (K. Takase et al.)

Impact of graphene quantum capacitance on transport spectroscopy    [PDF]

K. Takase, S. Tanabe, S. Sasaki, H. Hibino, K. Muraki

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

1210.6073 (Patrick Charbonneau et al.)

Stokes-Einstein relation violation and the upper critical dimension of
the glass transition

Patrick Charbonneau, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi

1210.6081 (P. S. Alekseev et al.)

Strong magnetoresistance of disordered graphene    [PDF]

P. S. Alekseev, A. P. Dmitriev, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii

1210.6166 (Taichi Haruna)

Theory of Interface: Category Theory, Directed Networks and Evolution of
Biological Networks

Taichi Haruna

1210.6230 (Guillermo A. Ludueña et al.)

A Self-Organized Neural Comparator    [PDF]

Guillermo A. Ludueña, Claudius Gros

1210.6238 (V. D. Borman et al.)

Stability of a Nonwetting Liquid in a Nanoporous Medium    [PDF]

V. D. Borman, A. A. Belogorlov, V. A. Byrkin, V. N. Tronin, V. I. Troyan

1210.6290 (Burcu Yucesoy et al.)

Correlations between the dynamics of parallel tempering and the
free-energy landscape in spin glasses

Burcu Yucesoy, Jonathan Machta, Helmut G. Katzgraber

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1210.4590 (V. Grinenko et al.)

Disordered magnetism in superconducting KFe2As2 single crystals    [PDF]

V. Grinenko, S. -L. Drechsler, M. Abdel-Hafiez, S. Aswartham, A. U. B. Wolter, S. Wurmehl, C. Hess, K. Nenkov, G. Fuchs, D. Efremov, Bernd Holzapfel, Jeroen van den Brink, Bernd Buechner

1210.4621 (Hitesh J. Changlani et al.)

Emergent spin excitations in a Bethe lattice at percolation    [PDF]

Hitesh J. Changlani, Shivam Ghosh, Sumiran Pujari, Christopher L. Henley

1210.4656 (Koji Kobayashi et al.)

Disordered weak and strong topological insulators    [PDF]

Koji Kobayashi, Tomi Ohtsuki, Ken-Ichiro Imura

1210.4671 (István A. Kovács et al.)

Corner contribution to percolation cluster numbers    [PDF]

István A. Kovács, Ferenc Iglói, John Cardy

1210.4731 (Zeinab Sadjadi et al.)

Scaling theory for spontaneous imbibition in random networks of
elongated pores

Zeinab Sadjadi, Heiko Rieger

1210.4780 (Eric Bertin)

Aging in the trap model as a relaxation further away from equilibrium    [PDF]

Eric Bertin

1210.4807 (Fawaz Hrahsheh et al.)

Disordered bosons in one dimension: from weak to strong randomness

Fawaz Hrahsheh, Thomas Vojta

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1210.3632 (Dante R. Chialvo)

Critical brain dynamics at large scale    [PDF]

Dante R. Chialvo

1210.3726 (Anirban Gangopadhyay et al.)

Magnetoresistance of an Anderson insulator of bosons    [PDF]

Anirban Gangopadhyay, Victor Galitski, Markus Mueller

1210.3796 (Juan Carlos Andresen et al.)

Self-organized criticality in glassy spin systems requires long-range

Juan Carlos Andresen, Ruben S. Andrist, Helmut G. Katzgraber, V. Dobrosavljevic, Gergely T. Zimanyi

1210.3817 (M. Köhler et al.)

Ions in glass forming glycerol: Close correlation of alpha and fast beta

M. Köhler, P. Lunkenheimer, Y. Goncharov, A. Loidl

1210.3914 (X. P. Qin et al.)

Depinning phase transition in two-dimensional clock model with quenched

X. P. Qin, B. Zheng, N. J. Zhou

1210.3995 (P. H. Lundow et al.)

The Ising Spin Glass in dimension five: link overlaps    [PDF]

P. H. Lundow, I. A. Campbell

1210.4116 (Ivane Jorjadze et al.)

A microscopic approach to the nonlinear elasticity of compressed

Ivane Jorjadze, Lea-Laetitia Pontani, Jasna Brujic

1210.4152 (H. Terletska et al.)

Dual Fermion Method for Disordered Electronic Systems    [PDF]

H. Terletska, S. -X. Yang, Z. Y. Meng, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell

Monday, October 15, 2012

1107.0587 (Dimitrije Markovic et al.)

Criticality in conserved dynamical systems: Experimental observation vs.
exact properties

Dimitrije Markovic, Andre Schuelein, Claudius Gros

1210.3372 (Si Chen et al.)

Statistical mechanics of graph models and their implications for
emergent manifolds

Si Chen, Steven S. Plotkin

1210.3443 (R. C. Roundy et al.)

Organic magnetoresistance near saturation: mesoscopic effects in small

R. C. Roundy, Z. V. Vardeny, M. E. Raikh

1210.3463 (Hao Hu et al.)

Percolation in the canonical ensemble    [PDF]

Hao Hu, Henk W. J. Blöte, Youjin Deng

1210.3474 (Claudius Gros et al.)

Observing scale-invariance in non-critical dynamical systems    [PDF]

Claudius Gros, Dimitrije Markovic

1210.3492 (M. Frechero et al.)

Intermediate Range Structure in Ion-Conducting Tellurite Glasses    [PDF]

M. Frechero, L. Padilla, H. O. Mártin, J. L. Iguain

1210.3518 (Severine Atis et al.)

Self-Sustained Reaction Fronts in Porous Media    [PDF]

Severine Atis, Sandeep Saha, Harold Auradou, Dominique Salin, Laurent Talon

1210.3519 (R. P. Kurta et al.)

Solution of the phase problem for coherent scattering from a disordered
system of identical particles

R. P. Kurta, R. Dronyak, M. Altarelli, E. Weckert, I. A. Vartanyants

1210.3553 (Y. Li et al.)

Symmetry breaking and low energy conformational fluctuations in
amorphous graphene

Y. Li, D. A. Drabold

1210.3555 (Danielle S. Bassett et al.)

Core-Periphery Organisation of Human Brain Dynamics    [PDF]

Danielle S. Bassett, Nicholas F. Wymbs, M. Puck Rombach, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, Scott T. Grafton

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1112.4919 (Gavriil Shchedrin et al.)

Resonance width distribution for open quantum systems    [PDF]

Gavriil Shchedrin, Vladimir Zelevinsky

1210.2104 (Rodrigo Laje et al.)

Complexity without chaos: Plasticity within random recurrent networks
generates robust timing and motor control

Rodrigo Laje, Dean V. Buonomano

1210.2224 (Alexander Iomin)

Superdiffusive comb: Application to experimental observation of
anomalous diffusion in one dimension

Alexander Iomin

1210.2232 (A. Iomin et al.)

Application of hyperbolic scaling for calculation of
reaction-subdiffusion front propagation

A. Iomin, I. M. Sokolov

1210.2257 (Y. M. Beltukov et al.)

The Ioffe-Regel criterion and diffusion of vibrations in random lattices    [PDF]

Y. M. Beltukov, V. I. Kozub, D. A. Parshin

1210.2336 (Carla Bosia et al.)

Modeling competing endogenous RNAs networks    [PDF]

Carla Bosia, Andrea Pagnani, Riccardo Zecchina

1210.2338 (Matteo Figliuzzi et al.)

MicroRNAs as a selective, post-transcriptional channel of communication
between ceRNAs: a steady-state theory

Matteo Figliuzzi, Enzo Marinari, Andrea De Martino

1210.2344 (Yasmine Meroz et al.)

A Test for Determining a Subdiffusive Model in Ergodic Systems from
Single Trajectories

Yasmine Meroz, Igor M. Sokolov, Joseph Klafter

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1210.0128 (Till Hoffmann et al.)

Decentralized Routing on Spatial Networks with Stochastic Edge Weights    [PDF]

Till Hoffmann, Renaud Lambiotte, Mason A. Porter

1210.0279 (Jing Wang)

Quasi-normal modes in random media    [PDF]

Jing Wang

1210.0283 (Jing Wang et al.)

Transport through modes in random media    [PDF]

Jing Wang, Azriel Z. Genack

1210.0330 (Peter Csermely et al.)

Structure and dynamics of molecular networks: A novel paradigm of drug
discovery. A comprehensive review

Peter Csermely, Tamas Korcsmaros, Huba J. M. Kiss, Gabor London, Ruth Nussinov

1210.0661 (Biswanath Dutta et al.)

A first principles study of magnetism in Pd$_{3}$Fe under pressure    [PDF]

Biswanath Dutta, Sumanta Bhandary, Subhradip Ghosh, Biplab Sanyal

1210.0662 (Oscar Grå näs et al.)

A new first principles approach to calculate phonon spectra of
disordered alloys

Oscar Grå näs, Biswanath Dutta, Subhradip Ghosh, Biplab Sanyal

1210.0811 (Victor Bapst et al.)

The Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm applied to random optimization problems:
the quantum spin glass perspective

Victor Bapst, Laura Foini, Florent Krzakala, Guilhem Semerjian, Francesco Zamponi

1210.0836 (Ramil M. Khusnutdinoff et al.)

Microscopic Structural and Dynamical Properties of Amorphous Metallic
Alloy $Ni_{33}Zr_{67}$ at the Temperature $T=300K$

Ramil M. Khusnutdinoff, Anatolii V. Mokshin, Ilgiz I. Khadeev

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1010.2376 (Louis-Pierre Arguin et al.)

Poissonian statistics in the extremal process of branching Brownian

Louis-Pierre Arguin, Anton Bovier, Nicola Kistler

1209.4936 (Stephan Mertens et al.)

Continuum Percolation Thresholds in Two Dimensions    [PDF]

Stephan Mertens, Cristopher Moore

1209.5017 (Julyan H. E. Cartwright et al.)

Ice polyamorphism in the minimal Mercedes-Benz model of water    [PDF]

Julyan H. E. Cartwright, Oreste Piro, Pedro A. Sánchez, Tomás Sintes

1209.5172 (I. A. Fomin et al.)

Coherent reaction of Fermi superfluid on correlated disorder    [PDF]

I. A. Fomin, E. V. Surovtsev

1209.5346 (J. N. B. Rodrigues et al.)

Thermodynamics of a Potts-like model for a reconstructed zigzag edge in
graphene nanoribbons

J. N. B. Rodrigues, P. A. D. Gonçalves, Jaime E. Santos, A. H. Castro Neto

1209.5353 (Ariel Haimovici et al.)

Brain organization into resting state networks emerges from the
connectome at criticality

Ariel Haimovici, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Pablo Balenzuela, Dante R. Chialvo

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1209.1863 (Quan Zhang et al.)

Smectic order, pinning, and phase transition in a smectic liquid crystal
cell with a random substrate

Quan Zhang, Leo Radzihovsky

1209.1871 (Masayuki Ohzeki)

Fluctuation Theorems on Nishimori Line    [PDF]

Masayuki Ohzeki

1209.1922 (Jens Lorrmann et al.)

Distribution of charge carrier transport properties in organic
semiconductors with Gaussian disorder

Jens Lorrmann, Manuel Ruf, David Vocke, Vladimir Dyakonov, Carsten Deibel

1209.1950 (Andrew Keane et al.)

Synchronisation in networks of delay-coupled type-I excitable systems    [PDF]

Andrew Keane, Thomas Dahms, Judith Lehnert, Sachin Aralasurali Suryanarayana, Philipp Hövel, Eckehard Schöll

1209.1995 (Jakub Haberko et al.)

Fabrication of three-dimensional disordered photonic materials derived
from hyperuniform point patterns

Jakub Haberko, Frank Scheffold

1209.2030 (B. Ruta et al.)

Atomic-scale relaxation dynamics and aging in a metallic glass probed by
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy

B. Ruta, Y. Chushkin, G. Monaco, L. Cipelletti, E. Pineda, P. Bruna, V. M. Giordano, M. Gonzalez-Silveira

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

1207.2816 (Naoki Masuda et al.)

Formation of feedforward networks and frequency synchrony by
spike-timing-dependent plasticity

Naoki Masuda, Hiroshi Kori

1207.2853 (Maria Chiara Angelini et al.)

Compressed sensing with sparse, structured matrices    [PDF]

Maria Chiara Angelini, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Yoshiyuki Kabashima

1207.2881 (V. Blavatska et al.)

Disorder effects on the static scattering function of star branched

V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch

1207.2893 (G. Claussen et al.)

Analysis of the loop length distribution for the negative weight
percolation problem in dimensions d=2 through 6

G. Claussen, L. Apolo, O. Melchert, A. K. Hartmann

1207.2979 (Cláudio L. N. Oliveira et al.)

Fatigue in disordered media    [PDF]

Cláudio L. N. Oliveira, André P. Vieira, Hans J. Herrmann, José S. Andrade Jr

1207.3041 (Hyunhang Park et al.)

Domain growth and aging scaling in coarsening disordered systems    [PDF]

Hyunhang Park, Michel Pleimling

1207.3059 (Malgorzata Wierzbowska)

Exchange interactions and Tc in rhenium doped silicon: DFT, DFT+U and
Monte Carlo calculations

Malgorzata Wierzbowska