Thursday, July 25, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

1307.4878 (L. Ruiz-Valdepeñas et al.)

Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in
magnetic/superconducting hybrids

L. Ruiz-Valdepeñas, M. Velez, F. Valdes-Bango, L. M. Alvarez-Prado, J. I. Martin, E. Navarro, J. M. Alameda, J. L. Vicent

1307.4940 (Tobias Geiger et al.)

Microscopic scattering theory for interacting bosons in weak random

Tobias Geiger, Andreas Buchleitner, Thomas Wellens

1307.4977 (Manlio De Domenico et al.)

Mathematical Formulation of Multi-Layer Networks    [PDF]

Manlio De Domenico, Albert Solè-Ribalta, Emanuele Cozzo, Mikko Kivelä, Yamir Moreno, Mason A. Porter, Sergio Gòmez, Alex Arenas

1307.4984 (Elena Agliari et al.)

Ferromagnetic models for cooperative behavior: Revising Universality in
complex phenomena

Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Andrea Pizzoferrato, Daniele Tantari

1307.4998 (Janus Collaboration et al.)

Dynamical Transition in the D =3 Edwards-Anderson spin glass in an
external magnetic field

Janus Collaboration, M. Baity-Jesi, R. Alvarez Baños, A. Cruz, L. A. Fernandez, J. M. Gil-Narvion, Gordillo-Guerrero, D. Iñiguez, A. Maiorano, F. Mantovani, E. Marinari, V. Martin-Mayor, J. Monforte-Garcia, A. Muñoz Sudupe, D. Navarro, G. Parisi, S. Perez-Gaviro, M. Pivanti, J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, S. F. Schifano, B. Seoane, A. Tarancon, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, R. Tripiccione, D. Yllanes

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3605 (W. Zhang et al.)

Saturated Low-Temperature Conductivity in Ultrafast Semiconductor

W. Zhang, E. R. Brown, M. Martin

1307.3618 (Pei Wang et al.)

The numerical operator method to the real time dynamics of currents
through the nanostructures with different topologies

Pei Wang, Xuean Zhao, Ling Tang

1307.3871 (A. Ramezanpour)

Multilayer wave functions: A recursive coupling of local excitations    [PDF]

A. Ramezanpour

1307.3987 (Timo Dewenter et al.)

Exact ground states of one-dimensional long-range random-field Ising

Timo Dewenter, Alexander K. Hartmann

1307.3997 (Hugo Jacquin)

Glass and jamming transition of simple liquids: static and dynamic

Hugo Jacquin

1307.4030 (Ingo Scholtes et al.)

Slow-Down vs. Speed-Up of Information Diffusion in Non-Markovian
Temporal Networks

Ingo Scholtes, Nicolas Wider, Rene Pfitzner, Antonios Garas, Claudio Juan Tessone, Frank Schweitzer

1307.4060 (Luca Tanzi et al.)

Transport of a Bose gas in 1D disordered lattices at the fluid-insulator

Luca Tanzi, Eleonora Lucioni, Saptarishi Chaudhuri, Lorenzo Gori, Avinash Kumar, Chiara D'Errico, Massimo Inguscio, Giovanni Modugno

Friday, July 5, 2013

1307.1154 (Felipe Bohn et al.)

Universal properties of magnetization dynamics in polycrystalline
ferromagnetic films

Felipe Bohn, Marcio Assolin Correa, Alexandre Da Cas Viegas, Stefanos Papanikolaou, Gianfranco Durin, Rubem Luis Sommer

1307.1205 (Giulio Biroli et al.)

Comparison of Static Length-Scales Characterizing the Glass Transition    [PDF]

Giulio Biroli, Smarajit Karmakar, Itamar Procaccia

1307.1227 (Pallab Barai et al.)

Role of the sample thickness in planar crack propagation    [PDF]

Pallab Barai, Phani K. V. V. Nukala, Mikko J. Alava, Stefano Zapperi

1307.1359 (Bongsoo Kim et al.)

Equilibrium dynamics of the Dean-Kawasaki model: MCT and beyond    [PDF]

Bongsoo Kim, Kyozi Kawasaki, Hugo Jacquin, Frédéric van Wijland

1307.1407 (Alexander Janot et al.)

Superfluid Stiffness of a Driven Dissipative Condensate with Disorder    [PDF]

Alexander Janot, Timo Hyart, Paul R. Eastham, Bernd Rosenow

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

1306.5244 (W. S. Oliveira et al.)

Mott-Anderson transition in the disordered charge transfer model    [PDF]

W. S. Oliveira, M. C. O. Aguiar, V. Dobrosavljevic

1306.5479 (Danielle S. Bassett et al.)

Cross-Linked Structure of Network Evolution    [PDF]

Danielle S. Bassett, Nicholas F. Wymbs, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, Scott T. Grafton

1306.5565 (Massimo Ostilli)

Fluctuations of motifs and non self-averaging in complex networks    [PDF]

Massimo Ostilli

1306.5610 (Yu-Jie Zhang et al.)

Electron-electron scatttering in Sn-doped indium oxide thick films    [PDF]

Yu-Jie Zhang, Zhi-Qing Li, Juhn-Jong Lin

1306.5640 (Robert L. Jack et al.)

Dynamical correlations in a glass-former with randomly pinned particles    [PDF]

Robert L. Jack, Christopher J. Fullerton

1306.5686 (S. Gattenloehner et al.)

Quantum Hall criticality and localization in graphene with short-range
impurities at the Dirac point

S. Gattenloehner, W. R. Hannes, P. M. Ostrovsky, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin, M. Titov

1306.5712 (Chinedu E. Ekuma et al.)

Effective Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Diagonal Anderson Disorder
Model in One- and Two-Dimensions

Chinedu E. Ekuma, Hanna Terletska, Zi Yang Meng, Juana Moreno, Mark Jarrell, Samiyeh Mahmoudian, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0112 (Pol Colomer-de-Simon et al.)

Deciphering the global organization of clustering in real complex

Pol Colomer-de-Simon, M. Angeles Serrano, Mariano G. Beiro, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Marian Boguna

1306.0233 (José H. H. Grisi-Filho et al.)

Scale-Free Networks with the Same Degree Distribution: Different
Structural Properties

José H. H. Grisi-Filho, Raul Ossada, Fernando Ferreira, Marcos Amaku

1306.0283 (Masayuki Ohzeki)

Belief propagation with multipoint correlations and its application to
Inverse problem

Masayuki Ohzeki

1306.0416 (R. Mathieu et al.)

Phase transition in a super superspin glass    [PDF]

R. Mathieu, J. A. De Toro, D. Salazar, S. S. Lee, J. L. Cheong, P. Nordblad

1306.0423 (Cecile Monthus et al.)

Typical versus averaged overlap distribution in Spin-Glasses : Evidence
for the droplet scaling theory

Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel

1306.0519 (M. De Domenico et al.)

Random Walks on Multiplex Networks    [PDF]

M. De Domenico, A. Sole, S. Gomez, A. Arenas

1306.0540 (Helmut G. Katzgraber et al.)

Stability of topologically-protected quantum computing proposals as seen
through spin glasses

Helmut G. Katzgraber, Ruben S. Andrist

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1305.5848 (Jie Sun et al.)

Controllability transition and nonlocality in network control    [PDF]

Jie Sun, Adilson E. Motter

1305.5908 (Xiaolong Deng et al.)

Topological transitions of interacting bosons in one-dimensional
bi-chromatic optical lattices

Xiaolong Deng, Luis Santos

1305.5936 (Elena Agliari et al.)

Immune networks: multi-tasking capabilities near saturation    [PDF]

Elena Agliari, Alessia Annibale, Adriano Barra, A. C. C. Coolen, Daniele Tantari

1305.6072 (S. S. Kondov et al.)

Interplay of disorder and interactions in an optical lattice Hubbard

S. S. Kondov, W. R. McGehee, B. DeMarco

1305.6078 (Mauro Faccin et al.)

Degree Distribution in Quantum Walks on Complex Networks    [PDF]

Mauro Faccin, Tomi Johnson, Jacob Biamonte, Sabre Kais, Piotr Migdał

1305.6140 (Máté Vigh et al.)

Diverging dc conductivity due to a flat band in disordered pseudospin-1
Dirac-Weyl fermions

Máté Vigh, László Oroszlány, Szabolcs Vajna, Pablo San-Jose, Gyula Dávid, József Cserti, Balázs Dóra

1305.6300 (M. A. Skvortsov et al.)

Subgap states in disordered superconductors    [PDF]

M. A. Skvortsov, M. V. Feigel'man

Sunday, May 19, 2013

1305.3156 (Pedro O Castillo-Villa et al.)

Crackling noise during failure of alumina under compression: effect of

Pedro O Castillo-Villa, Jordi Baró, Antoni Planes, Ekhard K H Salje, Pathikumar Sellappan, Waltraud M Kriven, Eduard Vives

1305.3187 (Carlo Lucibello et al.)

Finite size corrections to disordered systems on Erdös-Rényi
random graphs

Carlo Lucibello, Flaviano Morone, Giorgio Parisi, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Tommaso Rizzo

1305.3282 (Rémi Louf et al.)

Emergence of hierarchy in cost driven growth of spatial networks    [PDF]

Rémi Louf, Pablo Jensen, Marc Barthelemy

1305.3538 (C. Cammarota et al.)

Confinement as a tool to probe amorphous order    [PDF]

C. Cammarota, G. Gradenigo, G. Biroli

1305.3565 (Yogesh N. Joglekar et al.)

Optical waveguide arrays: quantum effects and PT symmetry breaking    [PDF]

Yogesh N. Joglekar, Clinton Thompson, Derek D. Scott, Gautam Vemuri

1305.3621 (Jonathan J. Heckman)

Statistical Inference and String Theory    [PDF]

Jonathan J. Heckman

1305.3638 (Vilarbo da Silva Junior et al.)

The Quantum Spherical Spin Glass Model: A Limitation to Static

Vilarbo da Silva Junior, Alexsandro M. Carvalho

1305.3736 (A. Yu. Kuntsevich et al.)

Electron-electron interaction correction and magnetoresistance in tilted
fields in Si-based 2D systems

A. Yu. Kuntsevich, L. A. Morgun, V. M. Pudalov

Friday, May 3, 2013

1305.0031 (K. K. Bardhan et al.)

Nonlinearity exponents in disordered systems    [PDF]

K. K. Bardhan, D. Talukdar

1305.0197 (Bernard Sonnenschein et al.)

Excitable elements controlled by noise and network structure    [PDF]

Bernard Sonnenschein, Michael A. Zaks, Alexander B. Neiman, Lutz Schimansky-Geier

1305.0207 (S. -X. Yang et al.)

Mean-field embedding of the dual fermion approach for correlated
electron systems

S. -X. Yang, H. Terletska, Z. Y. Meng, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell

1305.0242 (M. Amini et al.)

Multifractality and quantum-to-classical crossover in the Coulomb
anomaly at the Mott-Anderson metal-insulator transition

M. Amini, V. E. Kravtsov, M. Mueller

1305.0360 (Hidetoshi Aoki et al.)

Slow Stochastic Switching by Collective Chaos of Fast Elements    [PDF]

Hidetoshi Aoki, Kunihiko Kaneko

1305.0408 (Pablo R. Zangara et al.)

Interaction-disorder competition in a spin system evaluated through the
Loschmidt Echo

Pablo R. Zangara, Axel D. Dente, Aníbal Iucci, Patricia R. Levstein, Horacio M. Pastawski

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1111.3140 (Andrea Benassi et al.)

Barkhausen instabilities from labyrinthine magnetic domains    [PDF]

Andrea Benassi, Stefano Zapperi

1111.6869 (Maria Chiara Angelini et al.)

Ensemble renormalization group for disordered systems    [PDF]

Maria Chiara Angelini, Giorgio Parisi, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi

1304.7350 (Sanjiv Kumar Dwivedi et al.)

Extreme-value statistics of networks with inhibitory and excitatory

Sanjiv Kumar Dwivedi, Sarika Jalan

1304.7636 (Juan Pablo Álvarez Zúñiga et al.)

Bose glass transition and spin-wave localization for 2D bosons in a
random potential

Juan Pablo Álvarez Zúñiga, Nicolas Laflorencie

1304.7641 (J. F. Fernández et al.)

Numerical results for the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model at low

J. F. Fernández, J. J. Alonso

1304.7720 (I. A. Fomin et al.)

The distorted axi-planar superfluid phase of $^3$He in the "nematically
ordered" aerogel

I. A. Fomin, E. V. Surovtsev

1304.7747 (Tobias Dollinger et al.)

Signatures of spin-preserving symmetries in two-dimensional hole gases    [PDF]

Tobias Dollinger, Andreas Scholz, Paul Wenk, R. Winkler, John Schliemann, Klaus Richter

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

1304.6125 (Dmitri E. Nikonov et al.)

Coupled-Oscillator Associative Memory Array Operation    [PDF]

Dmitri E. Nikonov, Gyorgy Csaba, Wolfgang Porod, Tadashi Shibata, Danny Voils, Dan Hammerstrom, Ian A. Young, George I. Bourianoff

Friday, April 19, 2013

1304.5060 (Anton V. Dolgikh et al.)

Out-of-equilibrium one-dimensional disordered dipole chain    [PDF]

Anton V. Dolgikh, Daniel S. Kosov

1304.5079 (Astrid Niederle et al.)

Superfluid clusters, percolation and phase transitions in the
disordered, two dimensional Bose-Hubbard model

Astrid Niederle, Heiko Rieger

1304.5112 (Chuang Wang et al.)

Simplifying Generalized Belief Propagation on Redundant Region Graphs    [PDF]

Chuang Wang, Hai-Jun Zhou

1304.5129 (Xiaoqing Li et al.)

Ideal strength of ferromagnetic Fe-based alloys from first-principles

Xiaoqing Li, Stephan Schönecker, Jijun Zhao, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos

1304.5196 (Michael Buchhold et al.)

Dicke Quantum Spin and Photon Glass in Optical Cavities: Non-equilibrium
theory and experimental signatures

Michael Buchhold, Philipp Strack, Subir Sachdev, Sebastian Diehl

1304.5210 (B. Yucesoy et al.)

Reply to Comment on "Evidence of Non-Mean-Field-Like Low-Temperature
Behavior in the Edwards-Anderson Spin-Glass Model"

B. Yucesoy, Helmut G. Katzgraber, J. Machta

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1304.3467 (Jorge G. T. Zañudo et al.)

An effective network reduction approach to find the dynamical repertoire
of discrete dynamic networks

Jorge G. T. Zañudo, Réka Albert

1304.3597 (Kun Zhao et al.)

Percolation on interdependent networks with a fraction of antagonistic

Kun Zhao, Ginestra Bianconi

1304.3646 (Orestis Georgiou et al.)

Network connectivity through small openings    [PDF]

Orestis Georgiou, Carl P. Dettmann, Justin Coon

1304.3748 (Shan Yu et al.)

Universal Organization of Resting Brain Activity at the Thermodynamic
Critical Point

Shan Yu, Hongdian Yang, Oren Shriki, Dietmar Plenz

1304.4068 (Pedro Vidal et al.)

Integrability of zero-dimensional replica field theories at beta=1    [PDF]

Pedro Vidal, Eugene Kanzieper

1304.4146 (Gilles Tarjus et al.)

Critical scaling in random-field systems: 2 or 3 independent exponents?    [PDF]

Gilles Tarjus, Ivan Balog, Matthieu Tissier

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1006.2969 (J. A. Quilliam et al.)

Juxtaposition of Spin Freezing and Long Range Order in a Series of
Geometrically Frustrated Antiferromagnetic Gadolinium Garnets

J. A. Quilliam, S. Meng, H. A. Craig, L. R. Corruccini, G. Balakrishnan, O. A. Petrenko, A. Gomez, S. W. Kycia, M. J. P. Gingras, J. B. Kycia

1304.1824 (F. Roma et al.)

The backbone structure of the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model    [PDF]

F. Roma, S. Risau-Gusman

1304.1865 (Kaare Mikkelsen et al.)

Emergence of slow collective oscillations in neural networks with spike
timing dependent plasticity

Kaare Mikkelsen, Alberto Imparato, Alessandro Torcini

1304.1911 (Linda Ponta et al.)

Superconducting-insulator transition in disordered Josephson junctions

Linda Ponta, Valentina Andreoli, Anna Carbone

1304.2134 (Cecile Monthus et al.)

Dynamical barriers of pure and random ferromagnetic Ising models on
fractal lattices

Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel

1304.2198 (G. M. Minkov et al.)

Anisotropic conductivity and weak localization in HgTe quantum well with
normal energy spectrum

G. M. Minkov, A. V. Germanenko, O. E. Rut, A. A. Sherstobitov, S. A. Dvoretski, N. N. Mikhailov

Friday, April 5, 2013

1304.1158 (David A. Huse et al.)

Localization protected quantum order    [PDF]

David A. Huse, Rahul Nandkishore, Vadim Oganesyan, Arijeet Pal, S. L. Sondhi

1304.1195 (Alan J. Bray et al.)

Persistence and First-Passage Properties in Non-equilibrium Systems    [PDF]

Alan J. Bray, Satya N. Majumdar, G. Schehr

1304.1243 (Henry O. Sillin et al.)

Benchtop Fabrication of Memristive Atomic Switch Networks    [PDF]

Henry O. Sillin, Eric J. Sandouk, Audrius V. Avizienis, Masakazu Aono, Adam Z. Stieg, James K. Gimzewski

1304.1269 (U. Naether et al.)

Self-trapping threshold in disordered nonlinear photonic lattices    [PDF]

U. Naether, M. Heinrich, Y. Lahini, S. Nolte, R. A. Vicencio, M. I. Molina, A. Szameit

1304.1278 (Stephan Schönecker et al.)

Surface parameters of ferritic iron-rich Fe-Cr alloy    [PDF]

Stephan Schönecker, Se Kyun Kwon, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos

1304.1329 (Orestis Georgiou et al.)

k-connectivity for confined random networks    [PDF]

Orestis Georgiou, Carl P. Dettmann, Justin Coon

Thursday, April 4, 2013

1304.0787 (Zachary G. Nicolaou et al.)

Longitudinal inverted compressibility in super-strained metamaterials    [PDF]

Zachary G. Nicolaou, Adilson E. Motter

1304.0814 (M. Ostilli et al.)

Continuous- and discrete-time Glauber dynamics. First- and second-order
phase transitions in mean-field Potts models

M. Ostilli, F. Mukhamedov

1304.0893 (Angelika Knothe et al.)

Flux conservation in coherent backscattering and weak localisation of

Angelika Knothe, Thomas Wellens

1304.0942 (Aurélien Decelle et al.)

Decimation based method to improve inference using the Pseudo-Likelihood

Aurélien Decelle, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi

1304.0965 (Claudio Borile et al.)

The effect of quenched disorder in neutral theories    [PDF]

Claudio Borile, Amos Maritan, Miguel A. Muñoz

1304.0973 (László Temleitner et al.)

The origin of diffuse scattering in crystalline carbon tetraiodide    [PDF]

László Temleitner, László Pusztai

1304.1012 (Andrea Crespi et al.)

Anderson localization of entangled photons in an integrated quantum walk    [PDF]

Andrea Crespi, Roberto Osellame, Roberta Ramponi, Vittorio Giovannetti, Rosario Fazio, Linda Sansoni, Francesco {De Nicola}, Fabio Sciarrino Paolo Mataloni

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1304.0024 (Yan V Fyodorov et al.)

Topology trivialization and large deviations for the minimum in the
simplest random optimization

Yan V Fyodorov, Pierre Le Doussal

1304.0066 (Washington de Lima et al.)

Strange Attractor in the Potts Spin Glass on Hierarchical Lattices    [PDF]

Washington de Lima, Gustavo Camelo-Neto, Sérgio Coutinho

1304.0119 (E. E. Ferrero et al.)

Numerical Approaches on Driven Elastic Interfaces in Random Media    [PDF]

E. E. Ferrero, S. Bustingorry, A. B. Kolton, A. Rosso

1304.0204 (Chihiro H. Nakajima)

Statistical Mechanical Formulation and Simulation of Prime Factorization
of Integers

Chihiro H. Nakajima

1304.0215 (Osvanny Ramos et al.)

Experimental study of the effect of disorder on subcritical crack growth

Osvanny Ramos, Pierre-Philippe Cortet, Sergio Ciliberto, Loïc Vanel

1304.0318 (Nikolaos G. Fytas et al.)

Universality in the three-dimensional Random-Field Ising Model    [PDF]

Nikolaos G. Fytas, Victor Martin-Mayor

1304.0552 (Pascal Maillard et al.)

Performance of the Metropolis algorithm on a disordered tree: the
Einstein relation

Pascal Maillard, Ofer Zeitouni

1304.0581 (Simon Stutzer et al.)

Hybrid Bloch-Anderson localization of light    [PDF]

Simon Stutzer, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Victor A. Vysloukh, Vladimir V. Konotop, Stefan Nolte, Lluis Torner, Alexander Szameit

1304.0610 (Hyunsuk Hong et al.)

Link-disorder fluctuation effects on synchronization in random networks    [PDF]

Hyunsuk Hong, Jaegon Um, Hyunggyu Park

1304.0626 (Victor Dotsenko)

Two-time free energy distribution function in (1+1) directed polymers    [PDF]

Victor Dotsenko

Thursday, March 21, 2013

1303.4780 (Bahman Roostaei)

Vortex Wall Dynamics and Pinning in Helical Magnets    [PDF]

Bahman Roostaei

1303.4855 (S. V. Novikov et al.)

Time of Flight Transients in the Dipolar Glass Model    [PDF]

S. V. Novikov, A. P. Tyutnev, L. B. Schein

1303.4886 (S. V. Novikov)

Organic glasses: cluster structure of the random energy landscape    [PDF]

S. V. Novikov

1303.4888 (S. V. Novikov)

Quadrupolar glass as a model for charge carrier transport in nonpolar
organic materials

S. V. Novikov

1303.4898 (S. V. Novikov)

Organic glasses: cluster structure of the random energy landscape and
its effect on charge transport and injection

S. V. Novikov

1303.4908 (Victor Bapst)

The Large Connectivity Limit of the Anderson Model on Tree Graphs    [PDF]

Victor Bapst

1303.4910 (S. V. Novikov)

Charge Carrier Transport in Disordered Polymers    [PDF]

S. V. Novikov

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1111.2772 (D. Talukdar et al.)

Scaling of NonOhmic Conduction in Strongly Correlated Systems    [PDF]

D. Talukdar, U. N. Nandi, A. Poddar, P. Mandal, K. K. Bardhan

1303.4057 (Ginestra Bianconi)

Statistical Mechanics of Multiplex Ensembles: Entropy and Overlap    [PDF]

Ginestra Bianconi

1303.4320 (David Carpentier et al.)

Effect of disorder on 2D topological merging transition from a Dirac
semi-metal to a normal insulator

David Carpentier, Andrei A. Fedorenko, Edmond Orignac

1303.4386 (Anthony Hegg et al.)

Breakdown of self-averaging in the Bose glass    [PDF]

Anthony Hegg, Frank Krüger, Philip W. Phillips

1303.4509 (S. V. Novikov et al.)

Charge carrier transport in molecularly doped polycarbonate as a test
case for the dipolar glass model

S. V. Novikov, A. P. Tyutnev

1303.4560 (Matteo Colangeli et al.)

Current in a quantum driven thermostatted system with off-diagonal

Matteo Colangeli, Marco Pizzi, Lamberto Rondoni

1303.4605 (S. V. Novikov)

Hopping charge transport in organic materials    [PDF]

S. V. Novikov

1303.4607 (Satya N. Majumdar et al.)

Exact Statistics of the Gap and Time Interval Between the First Two
Maxima of Random Walks

Satya N. Majumdar, Philippe Mounaix, Gregory Schehr

1303.4655 (Sergey E. Skipetrov et al.)

Absence of Anderson localization of light in a random ensemble of point

Sergey E. Skipetrov, Igor M. Sokolov

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

1303.2165 (Vanessa Jane Bukas et al.)

Ready, set and no action: A static perspective on potential energy
surfaces commonly used in gas-surface dynamics

Vanessa Jane Bukas, Jörg Meyer, Maite Alducin, Karsten Reuter

1303.2253 (A. Alan Middleton)

Which measures of spin-glass overlaps are informative?    [PDF]

A. Alan Middleton

1303.2342 (Adam Nahum et al.)

Loop models with crossings    [PDF]

Adam Nahum, P. Serna, A. M. Somoza, M. Ortuño

1303.2359 (K. Ziegler)

Metal-insulator transition in three-dimensional semiconductors    [PDF]

K. Ziegler

1303.2413 (Lu-Lu Wu et al.)

Witness of unsatisfiability for a random 3-satisfiability formula    [PDF]

Lu-Lu Wu, Hai-Jun Zhou, Mikko Alava, Erik Aurell, Pekka Orponen

1303.2483 (Cecile Monthus et al.)

Dynamical barriers for the random ferromagnetic Ising model on the
Cayley tree : traveling-wave solution of the real space renormalization flow

Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1303.0102 (Lyudmyla L. Barannyk et al.)

Optimizing performance of the deconvolution model reduction for large
ODE systems

Lyudmyla L. Barannyk, Alexander Panchenko

1303.0231 (Christopher R. S. Banerji et al.)

Network Transfer Entropy and Metric Space for Causality Inference    [PDF]

Christopher R. S. Banerji, Simone Severini, Andrew E. Teschendorff

1303.0256 (M. Girardi-Schappo et al.)

A Brief History of Excitable Map-Based Neurons and Neural Networks    [PDF]

M. Girardi-Schappo, M. H. R. Tragtenberg, O. Kinouchi

1303.0466 (Nicholas P. Breznay et al.)

Observation of the ghost critical field for superconducting fluctuations
in a disordered TaN thin film

Nicholas P. Breznay, Aharon Kapitulnik

1303.0521 (E. J. Torres-Herrera et al.)

Non-conventional Anderson localization in a matched quarter stack with

E. J. Torres-Herrera, F. M. Izrailev, N. M. Makarov

1303.0540 (S. Hamed Hassani et al.)

The Space of Solutions of Coupled XORSAT Formulae    [PDF]

S. Hamed Hassani, Nicolas Macris, Rudiger Urbanke

1303.0718 (Jared C. Bronski et al.)

Spectral Theory for Networks with Attractive and Repulsive Interactions    [PDF]

Jared C. Bronski, Lee DeVille

1303.0774 (M. J. Lee et al.)

Perfect Impedance-Matched Isolators and Unidirectional Absorbers    [PDF]

M. J. Lee, Z. Lin, H. Ramezani, F. M. Ellis, V. Kovanis, I. Vitebskiy, T. Kottos

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1103.5685 (Jakub Otwinowski et al.)

Accumulation of beneficial mutations in one dimension    [PDF]

Jakub Otwinowski, Stefan Boettcher

1111.2176 (I. A. Dmitriev et al.)

Nonequilibrium phenomena in high Landau levels    [PDF]

I. A. Dmitriev, A. D. Mirlin, D. G. Polyakov, M. A. Zudov

1302.3869 (Daniele Marinazzo et al.)

Information transfer of an Ising model on a brain network    [PDF]

Daniele Marinazzo, Mario Pellicoro, Guorong Wu, Leonardo Angelini, Jesus M Cortes, Sebastiano Stramaglia

1302.3892 (Eduardo G. Altmann et al.)

Identifying trends in word frequency dynamics    [PDF]

Eduardo G. Altmann, Zakary L. Whichard, Adilson E. Motter

1302.3943 (Samuel Johnson)

Interplay between Network Topology and Dynamics in Neural Systems    [PDF]

Samuel Johnson

1302.4316 (Pierre Le Doussal et al.)

Avalanche dynamics of elastic interfaces    [PDF]

Pierre Le Doussal, Kay Joerg Wiese

1302.4399 (Arsen V. Subashiev et al.)

Temperature controlled Lévy flights of minority carriers in
photoexcited bulk n-InP

Arsen V. Subashiev, Oleg Semyonov, Zhichao Chen, Serge Luryi

1302.4424 (Marc Santolini et al.)

Beyond position weight matrices: nucleotide correlations in
transcription factor binding sites and their description

Marc Santolini, Thierry Mora, Vincent Hakim

Friday, February 15, 2013

1302.3258 (Clara Mattner et al.)

The frequency-dependence of nonlinear conductivity in disordered
systems: an analytically solvable model

Clara Mattner, Bernhard Roling, Andreas Heuer

1302.3265 (A. Snarskii et al.)

Critical phenomena in the dynamical visibility graph    [PDF]

A. Snarskii, I. Bezsudnov

1302.3386 (M. Krasnytska et al.)

Phase transitions in the Potts model on complex networks    [PDF]

M. Krasnytska, B. Berche, Yu. Holovatch

1302.3395 (K. Makuch et al.)

Thermodynamic properties of correlated fermions in lattices with
spin-dependent disorder

K. Makuch, J. Skolimowski, P. B. Chakraborty, K. Byczuk, D. Vollhardt

1302.3423 (L. Pollet et al.)

Classical-Field Renormalization Flow of One-Dimensional Disordered

L. Pollet, N. V. Prokof'ev, B. V. Svistunov

1302.3529 (F. Leonforte)

From Inherent Structures Deformation to Elastic Heterogeneities    [PDF]

F. Leonforte

Thursday, January 31, 2013

1301.7115 (Madhu Advani et al.)

Statistical mechanics of complex neural systems and high dimensional

Madhu Advani, Subhaneil Lahiri, Surya Ganguli

1301.7160 (Hongting Yang et al.)

Fast realization of a spatially correlated percolation model    [PDF]

Hongting Yang, Stephan Haas

1301.7228 (Mathieu Leocmach et al.)

Roles of icosahedral and crystal-like order in hard spheres glass

Mathieu Leocmach, Hajime Tanaka

1301.7233 (Giancarlo Jug et al.)

Multilevel Tunnelling Systems and Fractal Clustering in the
Low-Temperature Mixed Alkali-Silicate Glasses

Giancarlo Jug, Maksym Paliienko

1301.7246 (U. Briskot et al.)

Quantum magnetooscillations in the ac conductivity of disordered

U. Briskot, I. A. Dmitriev, A. D. Mirlin

1301.7274 (Joanna Tyrcha et al.)

Network Inference with Hidden Units    [PDF]

Joanna Tyrcha, John Hertz

1301.7275 (Benjamin Dunn et al.)

Learning and inference in a nonequilibrium Ising model with hidden nodes    [PDF]

Benjamin Dunn, Yasser Roudi